Oral lichen planus treatment homeopathy

What is oral lichen planus ?
Oral lichen planus is an ongoing inflammatory condition that affects mucous membranes inside your mouth. Oral lichen planus may arise as white, lacy patches; red, swollen tissues; or open sores. These lesions may cause pain, burning or other discomfort.Oral lichen planus can’t be moved from one person to another. The disorder appears when the immune system scales an attack against cells of the oral mucous membranes for unknown reasons.Signs and Symptoms can normally be managed, but people who have oral lichen planus need regular monitoring because they may be at risk of developing mouth cancer in the affected areas.
Types of Oral Lichen Planus
Oral Lichen planus is a common inflammatory disease involving the skin and mucous membranes. Many clinical form exist that include:
- Atrophic
- Ulcerative
- Bullous
- Annular
- Linear
- Inverse
- Hypertrophic
- Lichen planopilaris
- Actinic LP
- LP pigmentosus
What are the symptoms of oral lichen planus?
Lesions from oral lichen planus occur inside of your mouth. They can be present on these areas:
- inside of your cheeks
- gums
- tongue
- inner tissues of your lips
- palate
Lesions can arise as either white, lacy, raised patches of tissue that resemble spiderwebs, swollen patches that are bright red. They can also occur as — or develop into — open sores.When the lesions are white and lacy, they generally don’t present much pain or discomfort. If they’re red and swollen or open sores, you might feel pain or discomfort. Symptoms could include:
- Burning pain in the affected area
- Pain when eating, speaking, or drinking
- increased sensitivity to acidic, spicy, coarsely textured, or hot foods
- Swelling of your gums, including bleeding when brushing your teeth

Doctors aren’t sure what causes oral lichen planus, but various things could play a part:
- It might be run in your family.
- It could be linked to your immune system. Some of the time, your immune cells keep you safe by attacking bacteria and viruses. With oral lichen planus, some doctors believe, those cells get confused and attack the lining of your mouth.
- It could be linked to hepatitis C. Many people infected with the virus get it.
How is oral lichen planus diagnosed?
Normally it will be diagnosed after a careful examination by a specialist. The appearance and symptoms of oral lichen planus can be like those of some other disorders, so a ‘biopsy’ is normally needed to be sure about the diagnosis. A biopsy is a very simple method, done under a local anesthetic, where a small piece of tissue is removed from the mouth. The area normally heals within 7 to 10 days.
What complications are associated with oral lichen planus?
Oral lichen planus is a chronic, or long-term, condition. Occasional flare-ups are common.More serious forms of oral lichen planus, called erosive lichen planus, can make it painful to drink, eat or brush your teeth.Some research indicates a greater likelihood of developing oral cancer if you have biting oral lichen planus. Approximately 1 to 3 percent of people with oral lichen planus finally develop oral cancer but the question is still to be resolved due to some cases that may not have been true lichen planus. Anyway, patients with erosive lichen planus should be followed every three months for assessment.
How to Treat Oral Lichen Planus Naturally
- Turmeric Ointment
- Folate Deficient
- Vitamin A Foods
- Coconut Oil
- Mix ghee and honey with some powdered liquor ice
Homeopathy Treatment For Oral Lichen Planus
Some of the commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines for oral lichen planus are Arsenic album, Thuja occ., Kali mur and Merc. sol. etc.
- Arsenic album :- White patches with ulceration of mouth, dryness and burning in mouth, tongue dry, clean and red, metallic taste in mouth, anxious and restless patient.
- Thuja occ :- This remedy is used for lichen planus of pigmented variety. The patient has hyperpigmented brown coloured spots. The spots are marked on the cheeks, gums and under tongue.
- Kali mur :- Coating on tongue grayish-white, dryish white ulcers in the mouth, fatty or rich food causes digestion.
- Merc. sol. :- Excessive salivation with spongy gums and sore pain in inner mouth. Foul smell in mouth. Great thirst with a moist mouth.