Know the Signs and Symptoms of Depression for Early Intervention
Depression can be a sneaky disorder that can manifest without your conscious awareness and take you by surprise you suddenly wake up to realise that you are completely helpless and no hope for the future. However, today we are more equipped to identify the signs and symptoms of depression in ourselves as well as someone else. Please note, a ‘symptom’ is a subjective experience that the individual with depression will be going through while a ‘sign’ is a more objective behaviour that someone else notices.

Listed here are the most common signs and symptoms, that you need to watch out for:
- Anhedonia
This complicated term has a simple meaning – losing interest in activities that you once enjoyed. For example, it is a red flag when you stop engaging in your usual hobbies; stop socialising when you were a social butterfly before; lost interest in sex. It is also one of the most indicative signs of depression– if you see a friend, colleague, or family member stop showing interest in what once gave them joy, it would be helpful to ask them about their mental health and help them by taking them to a mental health professional.
- Feeling hopeless and helpless
Another classic feature of depression is feeling that nothing will ever get better and that you have absolutely no control over what is happening. The person will feel dejected about their current situation and the future, thus making no effort to improve either.
- Thoughts of suicide
If someone around you expresses a wish to harm themselves, end things for themselves or even passively express a wish for their life to end, consider it as one of the crucial signs of depression and as mentioned earlier, offer them assistance.
- Self-deprecation
Feelings of self-loathing, blaming self for the tiniest of mistakes, feeling worthless, ruminating over past mistakes and feeling guilty are all possible symptoms of depression.
- Cognitive
Another of the common depression symptoms is the loss of focus and concentration. The individual may find it difficult to focus on a simple task such as making a grocery list to something as big as being unable to study for an important final exam. Making decisions becomes difficult. The person may also become sluggish- taking more time than usual to complete tasks.
- Sleep and appetite changes
If the person has started sleeping or eating more than usual, or sleeping and eating less than usual then you can consider it as a sign or symptom of the disorder.
- Relentless pains and aches
If there are unexplained headaches, backaches or stomach aches which do not subside even with medication, it could be psychosomatic pain- physical pain that arises out of mental discomfort.
- Anger and anxiety
Explosive anger outbursts, feeling agitated or restless without any apparent cause are two other important ways of identifying possible depression.
- Loss of energy
Your bed becomes your best friend whom you never wish to leave. The individual may find even a 5-minute talk with a friend or relative physically draining. This is one of the most common depression symptoms.
Homeopathic Treatment for Depression
Although depression isn’t uncommon, the way it’s experienced is unique from one person to the next. These diverse experiences are reflected in the wide range of homeopathic remedies used in the treatment of depression. Many homeopathic remedies cover broad symptoms, such as sadness, pessimism, fear and anxiety, but in order to find an effective remedy it must match the individualising symptoms of the patient’s case.
If you would like to find out more about homeopathy and how it can support depression or other symptoms, please contact me on 7665595835 or email or messaging us on whatsaap 7665595835.