SBL Mullein Ear Drops
SBL Mullein drops for Pain in the ear (Earache) is a very common medical problem for children as well as adults. It may be accompanied by fever, vomiting, refusal to eat, difficulty in lying on sides, decreased activities, irritability, or even crying.
Indication on SBL Mullein Ear Drop :
- For earache due to injury, infection, or inflammation, Painful eruption of the external ear
- Fungal infection of the ear
- For itching irritation in the ear
- For swimmer’s ear problems
Composition of Mullein Ear Drop
Mullein flower: Helps when wax, water, or other discharge accumulates in the ear.
Glycerine: Sneezing, irritating coryza.
Acidum benzoicum: Severe pains in the ear that change the locality.
Acidum boracicum: Used as an antiseptic disinfectant, since it arrests fermentation and putrefaction.
Acidum carbolicum: Pains that are severe and come, and go immediately last for some time. discharge from the ear is offensive.
Directions for use of Mullein Ear Drop :
Instill 4 drops into the ear 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
Use under medical supervision.
Terms and Conditions
Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.