Medisynth Femacol Drops
For white discharge in women and weakness. It helps to control the white discharge.
Indications of Medisynth Femacol Drops
- All kinds of white discharge in women complaints
- Loss of appetite & physical weakness.
- Helpful in problems related with Hormonal Imbalance.
Action of Ingredients in Medisynth Femacol Drops
Ova tosta: Relieves White Discharges (Vaginal) White Thick Egg Like Discharge
Calcarea phosphorica: Menses too early, blood bright, with girls, too late, blood dark, or first bright, then dark, in women.
Kali muriaticum: Leucorrhoea; discharge of milky white mucus, thick, non- irritating, bland.
Kali phosphoricum: Too profuse discharge, deep red or blackish – red, thin and not coagulating; sometimes with offensive odour.
Kali sulphuricum: Kali Sulph is useful in Metrorrhagia, Leucorrhea yellowish or water, mattery.
Natrum muriaticum: Natrum Mur is a remedy of service in females who menstruate only once in two or three months, indicates often in girls who have a delay in the first appearance of the menses.
Natrum phosphoricum: Leucorrhea creamy or honey-colored, sour smelling, acrid, and watery.
Dosage of Medisynth Femacol Drops
5 to 10 drops of Medisynth Femacol drops 2 to 3 times a day.
Terms and Conditions
Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.