JVS Pharma Berberiplex Syrup
A good combination for renal calculi sharp pain in the kidneys & reduce the formation of oxalic acid in the urine.
Berberis vulgaris HPQ 3.0% v/v,
Cantharis HP! 3x 2.0% v/v,
Acid oxalic HP! 3x 1.0% v/v,
Ocimum can. HP! Q 3.0% v/v,
Cale. Ren. HP! Q 2.0% v/v,
Sarsaparilla. HPI Q 2.0% v/v,
Pareira brava HP! Q 2.0% v/v,
Senecio a HP! Q 2.0% v/v,
Excipients q.s, Alcohol content 10% v/v.