Indications of Dr Reckeweg r16
Migraine, nervous headaches, neuralgia of the head, indisposition due to continuous headaches frequently resulting from an insignificant chill.
Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Dr Reckeweg r16
Cimicifuga: Neuralgia as reflex symptom of ovarian disorders. Supraorbital pains, sensation of heat at top of head.
Gelsemium: Cerebral congestion, feeling of prostration, aversion to light, pain just above eyes.
Iris: Periodic migraine, intense headaches causing occasionally temporary blindness. Vomiting (bitter) at the climax of a headache.
Sanguinaria: Nervous irritability, headaches, alternating heat and shivering, intolerance to noise and light. Improvement on lying down.
Spigelia: Unilateral headache, rising and decreasing with the sun. Reference to the heart.
Terms and Conditions
Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.