An Epididymal Cyst is a swelling containing watery liquid lying just above the testicle. There may be more than one cyst present, and they can occur above both testicles. It is also known as Spermatocele because of the frequent presence of sperms in the cyst fluid.


They are the smooth, extra testicular, spherical cysts in the head of the epididymis which are not uncommon in adult men. They are usually benign and need no treatment till they become painful or start increasing in size.


Epididymal cysts usually develop in adults around the age of 40. Epididymal cysts are rare in children and when they occur, usually present around puberty. Often epididymal cysts are multiple and may be bilateral and vary in size from several millimetres to many centimetres in diameter.


As they arise in the epididymis, the testis is palpable quite separately from the cyst, unlike a hydrocoele where the testis is palpable within the fluid-filled swelling.


Located at the superior pole of the testis and caput epididymis, the spermatocele is soft and fluctuant and can be transilluminated (a flashlight can be seen if shined through the scrotal mass).


Types of Cysts

There are around 100 types of cysts. Some of the common ones are as follows:

  1. Epidermoid Cysts

They are small non-cancerous lump that forms under the skin and is most common on the face, neck and trunk.  They grow slowly, can have no symptoms or it may have pain on touch. They appear as small round lumps on the skin. Its other signs and symptoms include swelling, redness, and tenderness. They may also discharge thick, yellow, offensive matter.

  1. Sebaceous Cyst 

These are non-cancerous skin cysts that commonly form on the face, neck, or torso. These are fluid or semi fluid-filled bumps and are a little harder. Usually, these are not painful but in the case of large cysts, they can be uncomfortable or severely painful and may cause pressure. It can get inflamed and become tender and the skin over the cyst may be red, and warm. There may be drainage from the cyst having a foul smell.

  1. Acne cyst (Cystic Acne)

These are severe types of acne in which painful, pus-filled lumps form under the skin. It may rupture and leave scars.  Infection also spreads when these bursts. They occur from a sum of hormonal changes and the trapping of bacteria, oil, and dry skin cells in the skin pores. These form when this infection goes deep into the skin. They are painful, tender and itchy.  They can occur on the face, neck, chest, and back.

  1. Chalazion Cyst 

It is a small, painless lump that develops on the upper or lower eyelid. They occur from clogged meibomian glands. If infected they appear red, swollen and painful.

  1. Ganglion Cyst

It refers to a benign (non-cancerous), round lump filled with jelly-like material that most commonly develops along the tendons/joints. They commonly occur on wrists or hands but may also develop in the ankles and feet. They may become painful when they press on a nearby nerve.



There are various reasons behind cysts and the cause depends on the type of cyst. Some of the general reasons include blockages of ducts or sebaceous glands, infection, chronic inflammatory conditions, and inherited diseases. In the majority of cases, the cyst doesn’t cause pain. They turn painful if they are inflamed, infected or when they rupture.



Often a spermatocele does not cause symptoms. You may notice or feels an extra lump or mass above the testicle on one or both sides of your scrotum. Or you may notice a general enlargement of your scrotum. Symptoms, when present, can include pain, swelling, or redness of the scrotum or a feeling of pressure at the base of the penis.


Homoeopathic Medicines for Cysts

There is great scope for treating cases of cysts in homeopathy. Homoeopathic medicines help in dissolving cysts in a very effective manner. Various types of cysts come under the treatable parameters of homoeopathic medicines. These medicines dissolve the cyst and also bring relief to the associated symptoms linked with it. Homeopathic medicines for treating these cases are of natural origin so treat them in a very safe manner. Timely use of well-indicated medicine for cysts often prevents surgical intervention.

  1. Silicea – Top-Grade Medicine

Silicea is a leading homoeopathic medicine for cases of cysts. Its use is highly recommended for dissolving different types of cysts. It is effective for treating sebaceous cysts, cystic acne, Chalazion, ganglion, pilonidal cysts, knee cysts, breast cysts and cysts in male and female genitals. Other than these it is a marvellous medicine to manage conditions with pus formation. Hence its use is also valuable in treating cases of infected cysts. In such cases, it helps in clearing the pus discharges that can be foul-smelling.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Infected Skin Cyst (abscess) with Pus Discharge

It is a great medicine for managing cases of skin cysts with pus discharge. In cases like cystic acne, or pilonidal cyst it works very effectively. There is pus discharge that can be offensive in nature. The discharge may also be blood-stained. In the cyst, there may be pain, tenderness and sensitivity to touch the lump where it is required. Pain is throbbing and splinter-like.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Ovarian Cyst

This is a very useful medicine for treating cases of ovarian cyst. For using this medicine pain in ovaries is there. The pain is mainly burning, and stinging type. It may also be a sharp-cutting type. In many cases needing it, ovarian pain is felt during intercourse. The pain may extend from the ovaries down to the thighs sometimes. Other attending symptoms are tightness, weight, heaviness and tenderness in the ovarian region.

  1. Ruta – For Ganglion Cyst

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Ruta graveolens commonly known as Rue. This plant belongs to the family Rutaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine for dissolving ganglion cyst. It mainly works best in the ganglion of the wrist.

  1. Calcarea Fluor – For Cyst in Eyelids (Chalazion)

This medicine has a great affinity to treat cystic lumps in eyelids. It gradually decreases the size of this cyst.